who we are

Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Sathyanarayanan (Late) (Ex Redcross Home Staff) was the founder CEO of Tapasya Homecare services in 1990. This 34-years brand had its early premises in, BDA Complex, Frazer Town, Bangalore. She was supported by Mr Amarnath G Shastry in Bangalore and Chennai to develop brand Tapasya. Mr Amarnath Shastry’s father was a medical doctor in the army and at Red Cross Home. Mr Amarnath witnessed medical care and treatment from his early ages. He went on to develop his own HR services for businesses and supported Founder CEO in developing Tapasya Homecare services since its inception. Mrs Vijayalakshmi unfortunately succumbed to COVID in 2021 and to maintain the legacy of brand Tapasya Homecare services, Mr Amarnath took on proprietor role for Tapasya Homecare services in 2021 and developed it further to the current provisions.

It is now time for the needs of Bangalore and neighbouring cities is increasing, that an enhanced and premium service providing more responsive, compliant, safe, and high-quality home care service is available to its residents. Thus, the birth of Amarjyothi; an off-shoot of Tapasya homecare services. We provide care all over Bangalore and are open to develop services in nearby places.

Comparator Tapasya Homecare services Amarjyothi Homecare services
Level of care Basic Premium
Staffing Carers with rotational nurse visits Carer + onsite nurse option
Medical staffing Receiving transfer of care from referring doctor and following advice Additional specialist inputs from medical doctor, psychiatrist & psychotherapist
Other staffing None Physiotherapist, social worker, psychologist, Dietetic advice,
Additional clinical services Recommending periodic tests and investigations Arranging and accompanying for periodic tests and investigations
Managerial services Routine home visits and discussion with family and carers Inspection & monitoring of health & safety of client; and training of staff to provide personalised care to clients

Health care at home,
staying with you and your loved ones